Category: Videography
Category: Videography

Make your own whiteboard video fast
VideoScribe is easy, quick and inexpensive. You can create a great video in no time!

Select images, type text and add music or voiceover. VideoScribe does the rest
Create captivating, memorable content in minutes, then publish and share
Produce as many videos as you like, with the most cost-effective tool available
Choose VideoScribe and get:
Easy to use drag and drop functionality
Instant access to a library of thousands of customizable images and music
Support from a professional team and a community ready to help you at anytime
A host of other features make it favoured by businesses, educators and millions worldwide
Key features

Keeping students engaged is one of the core challenges faced by schools.
By bringing VideoScribe into your classroom, you open the door to a visual and interactive educational toolkit, offering your students a way to learn through video.
The process of building a short automated video on any subject, encourages curiosity and cognitive processing of information, while the videos created become valuable personalised revision materials to look back on at exam time.