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E-Learning Content (SCORM) for EPSA

EPSA is the short form for E-Pembelajaran Sektor Awam is the centralised LMS platform for all government agencies in Malaysia under INTAN (Institut Tadbiran Awam Malaysia). Muntada has been developing SCORM content for EPSA. We also conducting hands on training for EPSA content developement 

LMS Content Creation services

Video, Audio and Multimedia

Working closely with your organisation’s subject matter experts (SMEs), our content experts will design and create interactive, modern and robust online courses using best in class e-learning authoring tools and techniques.

Make your LMS consistent and run eLearning courses from diverse systems

SCORM, described as ‘best of breed solution’, is a reference model and is developed on the top of existing specifications. It can be used by the programmers to pen-down their code, enable trainers to track learner’s performance and produce performance reports. SCORM package development defines the development of shareable content object in various systems and reference model reflects its significance.

Key elements included in SCORM package development courses

Elegant & Responsive Course Designs

Informative PPTs

Interactive Quizzes/Puzzles

Engaging Videos


Some sample of our content development works

YES. You’ve found the right company. We’d LOVE working with you!

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Muntada was honour to be selected as UN-Global Model Live Streaming Vendor in 2010. The streaming were viewed live by at least 8000 people worldwide. 

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Migration of Legacy Courses to HTML5

Play Video


Come December ’20, Adobe will no longer support Flash. We can help you capitalize this opportunity to not only migrate your courses to HTML5 but also create a higher impact training.

How can we help you migrate your legacy courses to HTML5?

While Flash to HTML5 Migration is a necessity, it can be used to adopt learning strategies that can lead to a higher impact training and a better ROI. We will help you identify the strategy that fits the required training objectives, budgets, ​and meet the deadline of migration before 2020 ends.

Whether you have the source files or otherwise, our team can help you in 3 ways:​

  •     Flash to HTML5 Migration at scale with speed.
  •     Modernizing your legacy courses with more immersive learning strategies​.
  •     Re-building courses and learning resources in Next-Gen formats.

  • How can you use the exercise of Flash courses to HTML5 conversion to improve the ROI on your training spend?

    As you embark on this Flash to HTML5 conversion journey, don’t just opt for a technology update (new courses look the same although they are HTML5 compliant) but use this opportunity by relooking at the learning strategies that can help you maximize the impact of the new courses you develop.

    To improve the ROI, you need a series of measures to be in place that we can help you with, including improving the learner’s interest and reaction, adopting sticky learning strategies, and providing measures to push the application of the acquired knowledge.

    With all these measures in place, you will see an improvement on various levels including:

  •      Learner motivation.
  •      Learner engagement.
  •      Better knowledge retention (sticky learning experiences).
  •      Better application of the acquired learning on the job.
  •      Higher completion rates.

  • All of these will lead to an improvement of the ROI.

    Our Best Practices to Migrate Flash to HTML5 and Create a Higher Impact Training

    1) Design optimally for mobile devices

    As you plan the Flash to HTML5 Migration services, there is a need to identify if the courses should be Mobile-friendly (adaptive) or Mobile-first (completely responsive).

    3) Evaluate/enhance the Learnability of new courses

    Based on this assessment and your new mandate, we will recommend a strategy that will help you create a much higher learning experience.

    2) Adopt immersive learning strategies

    You must use the Flash to HTML5 Migration services opportunity to use the learning strategies that create a higher learner engagement and a stickier learning experience.

    4) Pick learning approaches that adapt well to mLearning

    These include strategies that work well on mobile devices. For instance, you can opt for Microlearning and Social Learning and see the impact soar.

    5) Use high-impact, rich media formats

    Use this opportunity to opt for formats, like Interactive Videos and Mobile Apps, for learning that aligns better with Mobile Learning.

    7) Factor for the millennial workforce

    Take this opportunity to look at specific design approaches that would appeal to your millennial workforce.

    6) Evaluate emerging techniques like PersonaliSed Learning

    You must use the Flash to HTML5 Migration services opportunity to use the learning strategies that create a higher learner engagement and a stickier learning experience.

    8) Enhance the support of primary training

    Take the learners through a “learning journey”-based approach. Integrate Performance Support Tools that are available to learners within their workflow and push knowledge acquisition to application.


    We can help you with our expertise in Flash to HTML5 eLearning migration in the following ways:

    Mere migration (Technology uplift).

    Migration cum enhancement of learning experience.

    Further value adds in terms of evaluating the course against our learnability framework.

    We will also provide you with inputs on:

    • The stuff to watch out for before you begin your Migration exercise.
    • How you should begin your Migration exercise.
    • The action.
    Sample of our work

    Free Project Valuation

    We will evaluate your current Flash /  Legacy Courses

    No commitment on assessment

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    Muntada Group > Services

    E-Learning Content (SCORM) for Your Organization

    Having the right approach for your instructional design and content creation needs is critical to the success of any e-learning strategy. The content creation experts at Muntada will help you outline and develop customized online courses for your organisation.

    LMS Content Creation services
    LMS Content Creation services

    Video, Audio and Multimedia

    Working closely with your organisation’s subject matter experts (SMEs), our content experts will design and create interactive, modern and robust online courses using best in class e-learning authoring tools and techniques.

    Make your LMS consistent and run eLearning courses from diverse systems

    SCORM, described as ‘best of breed solution’, is a reference model and is developed on the top of existing specifications. It can be used by the programmers to pen-down their code, enable trainers to track learner’s performance and produce performance reports. SCORM package development defines the development of shareable content object in various systems and reference model reflects its significance.

    Key elements included in SCORM package development courses

    Elegant & Responsive Course Designs

    Informative PPTs

    Interactive Quizzes/Puzzles

    Engaging Videos


    Some sample of our content development works

    YES. You’ve found the right company. We’d LOVE working with you!

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    Muntada Group > Services
    Muntada Webcasting Services

    Live Webcasting @ Video Streaming Concept

    Webcasting – Video Streaming : a live event broadcasting with the new cutting edge technology, the internet. The media used are computers and mobile devices running any web browser instead of a traditional TV set.

    More and more corporations are discovering that webcasting is a powerful, cost-effective way to communicate “face to face” with employees, customers, partners and shareholders without actually being in the same location.

    video streaming concept

    Our Past Major Events

    Live Video Streaming for United Nation Youth Assembly in Kuala Lumpur (2010)

    Live Video Streaming for Ministry Of Higher Education (2008)

    Live Video Streaming Services for Jaring Berhad (2013)

    Live Video Streaming Services for Petronas F1 (2012)

    Webcasting Consultation for USM Long Distance Learning (2015)

    Our Live Video Streaming / Webcasting Services


    Live Webcasting Events for online AGM during Covid19


    Streaming Server and Streaming Bandwith for Rental up to 500MB

    Several packages available as listed below :-

    Full package complete with MCP team, Online Viewer Registration and secured Online voting system 

    Regardless of how many intended / registered audience with secured webcasting

    Any custom Webcasting services tailor to your requirement

    Please contact Ms Jean Marie Liew  at +603 5191 7700 for our special promotion on a Private and Secured Live Video Streaming @Webcasting for up to 500 live viewers starting at RM3,990*. The streaming package support viewing client with multi-platform and multi-devices such IOS, android, MacOS, Windows and etc. 

    Please do not hesitate contact us if you have any question regarding Live Video Streaming and Webcasting.


    1. Confirmation of order must be received at least 2 weeks before the event day
    2. The price exclusive any website customisation (if required), cameras crew, onsite network engineers.
    3. For a limited time only

    Why should you stream with us since there are free tools like FB Live?

    Why Professional Webcasting provider?

    For people who are looking for a more professional appearance, social streaming platforms aren’t the best fit.

    For example, a company that live streams an event may want to monetise its stream. A university may want to stream multiple lectures simultaneously. Businesses, universities, social organizations, and media channels often fall into these situations.

    As mentioned above, a professional live streaming video host is ideal if you want to stream live video on your website. And this is where features offered specifically by video platforms come into play.

    These features include the ability and not limited to:

      • Monetise broadcasts with an intergrated paywall
      • Restrict access to certain geographic locations or IP ranges
      • Restrict access to approved and intended audience only
      • White-label & Branding Control
      • Stream multiple events concurrently
      • Maintain all rights to broadcast content
      • Access dedicated tech support
      • To comply with custom requirement e.g Lumi webcasting for it’s online poling system require the webcast video to comply with their security standard. 
      • More custom requirement such as to allow 30 min rewind during Live broadcasting
      • And most importantly Ad-free broadcasting

    These features, among others, define a comprehensive live streaming platform. Typically there’s a wide range in pricing plans. Some services are aimed at large businesses, while others are more affordable for smaller businesses or individuals. Though Facebook and YouTube are free, they simply can’t compete when it comes to functionality that corporate enterprises need.

    Share Holders AGM Webcasting Event

    AGMs provide one of the few opportunities shareholders have to question the board, engage directly with management, and hear the views of other shareholders.

    However, the outbreak of the Coronavirus is causing companies to rethink their arrangements for 2020 AGMs in light of potential bans on large gatherings, travel restrictions and the risk that venues selected for the meetings may cease to be available due to unexpected closure.

    Where AGM notices have already been sent out, or are in the process of being dispatched, companies are urging shareholders to check their websites for AGM updates, and recommending that shareholders submit their proxy votes on resolutions to be considered at the meeting as soon as possible, in case they are not able to attend the meeting in person. They are also making clear that if AGM meetings are held, they will not necessarily take place in the usual format. Meetings are likely to be shorter in duration as presentations by the chair and other members of the board are kept to a minimum, and replaced by webcasts.

    Problems for companies are exacerbated by the fact that in a number of jurisdictions, there is a legislative requirement for public companies to hold an AGM within a specified period following their financial year-end (within six months). Most choose to hold their AGM well before that six-month deadline, but some may want to consider pushing the date back further where practicable. In doing so, however, they incur the risk of having to postpone again and running out of time before the statutory deadline expires.

    In Singapore and Malaysia, where listed companies are required to hold their AGM within four months of their financial year-end, waivers have been issued by the Singapore Exchange Regulation, granting companies with December 31 year-ends a further two months (to June 30, 2020) within which to hold their AGM to approve financial results, provided certain criteria are met. It remains to be seen whether a similar approach will be taken in other jurisdictions.

    Live Webcasting for Long Distance Learning

    Muntada Live Video Streaming solution maximizes the reach and value of multimedia presentations, streaming live or archived content to both users on demand and live viewers. With Muntada solution, organizations can record content such as distance education or training programs.


    Achieve the kind of impact that can only be accomplished when individuals collaborate. Muntada Streaming Service facilitates interaction between groups, amongst departments, and across divisions by providing an environment where people can speak out, be heard, and get involved to make a difference in the company. Make sure that the training you provide for your company’s employees gives them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed at their jobs. At the same time, convince company executives that an effective and timely training program benefits the company and contributes to the bottom line. Muntada Streaming Services helps you do both – superior training without breaking the bank.


    Complement your training programs with Muntada Streaming Services virtual classrooms and e-learning solutions. Stretch your training resources by eliminate logistical barriers. Trainers and experts can now reach more people, more frequently, without the costs or travel, accommodations, resources, and especially employee downtime. See how easy it is to hold an Muntada Steaming Services webcast training session or virtual classroom – with audio, video, images and more.

    YES. You’ve found the right company. We’d LOVE working with you!

    I’m Here To Assist You

    Get your LMS system up and running within 3 days. Either one-off or subscription, we have any solution for you.

    We have from zero to complete what you need to setup an LMS system and also to convert your courses to online.

    Feel free to contact us, we can talk with no obligation. We will serve according to your budget. 

    Need a quick quote?